CBD OIL – Effects, Application & Experiences

CBD oil is currently on everyone's lips, in the truest sense of the word, many people expect true miracles from cannabidiol (CBD). The substance is obtained from the hemp plant. Hemp is one of humanity's oldest useful and medicinal plants and has been used as a raw building material and as a medicine for thousands of years. There is currently a huge RUN on cannabinoids, which are considered extremely valuable ingredients in hemp.

CBD oil in particular is said to have many positive and health-promoting uses. This special explains what CBD oil actually is, in which areas it can be used, what effects and side effects users can expect and whether its use is even legal.

What is CBD OIL

CBD is the abbreviation for cannabidiol. This is a substance that is obtained from the hemp plant. Even if there are still stubborn prejudices against CBD products, they do not cause any psychoactive effects in the user, as is the case with the substance tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Scientists successfully researched the structure of tetrahydrocannabinol in the 1970s. In the 20th century they increasingly devoted themselves to cannabidiol and its positive effects.

Difference between CBD oil, hemp oil and cannabis oil The hemp plant and the products derived from it, such as their oils, can quickly lead to confusion. No wonder, given all the terms and names. This is what the names mean:

CBD oil or cannabidiol oil is obtained from the green hemp plant and does not cause any psychoactive effects.

The seeds of the plant are used in production. Hemp oil or hemp seed oil also does not have an intoxicating effect.

An explicit designation as cannabis oil is usually used when the THC content is higher than 0.2%, thereby enabling a psychoactive effect.


Both active ingredients, CBD and THC, are obtained from the same plant. However, both differ greatly in how they work. THC has a psychoactive effect, which means it makes the user “high”. This does not happen when taking CBD because it has been proven to be a non-psychoactive substance. So no intoxication occurs after consumption. Specially bred, low-THC industrial hemp is also used to produce cannabidiol. In the EU, THC-rich hemp is strictly controlled and banned in most regions. In the EU, only hemp varieties that contain a maximum of 0.2% THC are permitted. These varieties are now certified by the EU and manufacturers are only allowed to use these varieties.


There are various ways to obtain CBD from the hemp plant. The most common methods include the following: Alcohol extraction CO2 extraction It must be taken into account that the therapeutically effective CBD in the plant is initially in inactive form as carboxylic acid, in this specific case as CBDa. The A at the end stands for Acid, the English name for acid. Hemp itself therefore only produces the precursor to what we use as products. This applies to both CBD and THC, which is controversial in this country. In order to ultimately have an effective product in your hands, two crucial steps must be taken: the removal of the components from the hemp plants (extraction) the chemical activation of the ingredients through a so-called decarboxylation (splitting off of carbon atoms). This fact is used in alcohol extraction that cannabidiol can be easily dissolved from the hemp plant with the help of alcohol. This method is typically used to produce pure CBD (CBD isolate). This is largely free of other cannabinoids such as THC. CO2 extraction is roughly carried out through the following measures: The first step is to crush and heat the hemp to up to 150 °C. Liquid and highly cooled carbon dioxide is then added under high pressure, causing the individual plant components to separate and the CBDA to be converted into CBD. In the final step, the CBD is separated from the other ingredients. This process is most commonly used today, for example in the production of full-spectrum extracts. These are extracts that contain numerous other cannabinoids in addition to CBD.


If the active ingredient reaches e.g. B. in the form of CBD oil or CBD capsules into our body, it is distributed throughout the body via the bloodstream, where it develops its effects.

Once in the body through the bloodstream, CBD interacts with various receptors in the brain and the immune system. Researchers have found that CBD has more than ten different mechanisms of action. It intervenes in a wide variety of signaling pathways and thus has a positive influence on metabolism. Cannabidiol (CBD) binds agonistically to the cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 in the human body. The entirety of receptors that CBD acts on is called the endocannabinoid system.

The endocannabinoid system is part of the nervous system and includes, among other things, the cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2. The CB1 receptors are mainly located on the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. But CB1 receptors have also been detected in other organs. CB2 receptors are located primarily on the cells of the immune system, such as white blood cells. In addition, the CB2 receptors are located on the cells that are involved in bone formation and bone loss.


    Anti-inflammatory/anti-inflammatoryAppetite suppressantPain relievingCalmingAnxiolyticAntipsychoticCell protectiveAntispasmodicAntipyretic (fever-reducing)Antiemetic (against nausea and vomiting)SleeppromotingDefense-strengthening


Cannabidiol interacts with the receptors in the endocannabinoid system as described, so it can have a variety of effects. The areas of application and indications are correspondingly diverse. The diseases in which CBD has already been successfully used to support include ADHD, Alzheimer's, antibiotic resistance, osteoarthritis, depression/anxiety disorders, epilepsy, fibromyalgia, inflammation and many more:

Studies are also investigating its supportive use in chronic inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease, tumor pain and many more.

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Disclaimer The medical content listed on this page serves exclusively to provide neutral information and further training for interested parties. The Content is in no way intended to equate a diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of a specific disease. This means that the content is not intended to replace the professional advice of a pharmacy or doctor. Furthermore, the CBD products shown here should only be understood as dietary supplements and not as a complete and substitute medication. The owner, manufacturer and author of this site are not liable for any inconvenience or damage that may arise when using the products described here. All texts do not guarantee the completeness, accuracy or topicality of the information presented.
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