CannaTrust seal of approval

Certified "Biosca"

The CannaTrust seal of quality

for Biosca CBD OIL 5% and 10%

The CannaTrust seal of quality gives consumers the security that their CBD or cannabinoid product contains what it promises. In the past, independent tests have repeatedly shown that manufacturer information does not always correspond to reality. This is certainly not the case with most products. But how can you be sure as a consumer of CBD oil? The answer to this question is the CannaTrust CBD seal of quality!

We subject the laboratory analyzes to a double check and thus ensure that the corresponding certificates cannot be forged. The results of the analyzes are also compared with the manufacturer's information.

In order to ensure that the analyzes are informative, we also have criteria that the testing laboratories must adhere to.

The seal of quality creates more transparency and security in the CBD industry!

What is the seal of approval NOT?

The CBD industry is comparatively young and the legislation is sometimes not clear. Guidelines are not yet clearly established and research continues to provide new insights. For example, determining which product is “good” and which is not would, in our opinion, be presumptuous. We would therefore like to point out the following:

We do not examine the products for correct registration and/or legality.

We do not define or test the terms “full spectrum”, “broad spectrum”, etc.

CannaTrust does not qualify marketing claims such as “cool down”, “entourage effect”, etc. and does not evaluate them within the meaning of the Medicines Advertising Act.

Testing criteria for the cannabis seal of quality

Transparency is the primary goal in everything we do as CannaTrust. It is therefore particularly important to us to explain exactly what and for what we check for the CannaTrust seal of approval.

Quantified cannabinoid content

For example, anyone who buys CBD oil will usually find precise information about the CBD content of the product on the packaging. We check this firmly quantified information for accuracy. This means: A “10% CBD oil” can only receive the CannaTrust seal of quality if it actually contains at least 10% CBD. If this value is not reached, no award can be made.

We don't just test the primary cannabinoid, but actually all quantitatively specified cannabinoids. If the manufacturer advertises a “THC content of less than 0.2%”, this must also be adhered to in order to receive the seal of quality.

Secondary cannabinoid content

Many products list other cannabinoids that are likely to be contained, but without precise information about the respective amounts. Here too we check whether these are actually included. If the content is below the assessment limits of the analysis laboratory and therefore cannot be detected, the quality seal for this product will be refused.

Authenticity of the analysis certificates

We check the analysis certificates provided by the manufacturer/brand operator for authenticity. To do this, we work closely with the analysis laboratories (the original source) and have the original data transmitted to us. The authenticity can be determined by carefully comparing the two certificates. Any counterfeits on the part of the manufacturer will be uncovered in this way.

Batch by batch

The testing by the CannaTrust team is carried out for each individual batch or batch of a product. This means that compliance with the quality seal criteria is carried out again for each newly produced batch of a product. Our database lists transparently and in detail for the consumer which batches have already been checked and awarded.

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